Wednesday, February 25, 2009


God bless Lance Black!

"If Harvey Milk were alive today, I think he’d want me to say to all of the gay and lesbian children out there who have been told that they are less than by their churches or by the government or by their families that you are beautiful, wonderful creatures who have value,” he said, looking straight into the camera. “No matter what anybody tells you, God does love you and that very soon I promise you ... you will have equal rights federally across this great nation of ours.”

I just pray that every young (and older) Gay person internalizes these words from Lance Black! [Pictured.]

This winner of the Oscar for Best Original Screenplay for the film, "Milk," not only spoke from his heart, but spoke the truth that needs to be learned and kept in the hearts of every young and older LGBT person!

And by incorporating those words, there will hopefully arise a fire in the belly in all Gay people and in all decent people, especially those who profess to be Christians, to no longer allow anyone to be treated as a second class citizen who is denied dignity, respect, and equal rights afforded to every other citizen in the United States and in all countries that presume to call themselves "civilized."

I strongly urge you to see the film, "Milk," if you haven't already seen it!

The kind of activism exhibited by Harvey Milk, Rev. Troy Perry, Frank Kameny, Barbara Gittings, Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon, and a whole host of other activists who caught the vision that being Gay is just as normal as is being Straight; who refused to believe or feel shamed by the ignorant and hateful stereotypes with which Gay people were and are branded; who absolutely refused to heed the ignorant and hateful words coming from the mouths and pens of assorted clergy and mental health professionals; who had and have the guts to confront the ignorance and hatred that seeks to inculcate shame and self-loathing in all too many LGBT people, must be continued by the current and next generation of Gay people and allies so that equal rights becomes a reality; the truth of Jesus' words rings loudly and clearly in the lives of all of God's children: "If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed." (John 8:36)
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1 comment:

Jerry Maneker said...

Thanks Anwar. I hope you continue enjoying reading it, and the links in the Links section. Best wishes, Jerry.