Thursday, June 17, 2010


UPDATE: The following is an email I received from Don Charles in reference to his excellent article:


Here is one of the revisions I made to "The Gender Monologues":

"If you take nothing else away from this essay, please take this advice: Ignore the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. It has nothing to do with you! Forget what you've been told about the book of Leviticus. It's irrelevant! Stop fretting over the Apostle Paul's condemnation of same-gender hedonism. He wasn't talking about you! The Bible's gender-specific laws never applied to (those the Savior called) born eunuchs."

This really is, in a nutshell, what I want people to glean from my thesis on Transgender status, which I sincerely believe is a gift from God almighty!

My pal, Don Charles [Pictured], just wrote a superb two-part post entitled, Gender Monologues, part of which reads as follows:

Among the many gifts the Lord has bestowed upon humankind, gender may be the greatest one. In its (at least) three manifestations, gender is nothing less than the reflection of God's Image within us! What a priceless treasure it is; but predictably, wicked humankind has chosen to squander much of it. We celebrate the male, tolerate the female, and loathe the transgender! We despise Fullness so much, we try like Hell to stamp it out of existence.

We (and I do include LGBT folk in "we") attack it in every way we know how: With dehumanizing labels! With demonizing doctrine! With institutional discrimination, intellectual stigmatization, punitive legislation, coercive imprisonment, and genocidal violence! We try to torture it out of people of faith, using bogus exorcisms, forced heterosexual marriage, and "ex-Gay" brainwashing. We even target Fullness with scalpels, pressuring vulnerable transfolk to undergo radical "gender reassignment" surgery. As if their gender identity isn't valid unless the biology is made to match! We all but shove born eunuchs into the closet, consigning them to the dark recesses of shame and despair. Humankind is relentless in its crusade to preserve the illusion of binary gender and destroy the mirror image of God. Could there be any sin more unpardonable?


I strongly urge you to read both parts of his post in the above two links, as his discussion will not only elucidate for you the nature of "fullness" that exists within LGBT people, but will also serve to liberate so many LGBT people from the cultural, and self-imposed, bonds that have caused untold psychological, spiritual, and physical damage to so many LGBT people.

God gave the special gift of "fullness" to certain of God's children, and it's high time that that fact was recognized! And that recognition must first begin in the hearts and minds of LGBT people!
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Here is one of the revisions I made to "The Gender Monologues":

"If you take nothing else away from this essay, please take this advice: Ignore the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. It has nothing to do with you! Forget what you've been told about the book of Leviticus. It's irrelevant! Stop fretting over the Apostle Paul's condemnation of same-gender hedonism. He wasn't talking about you! The Bible's gender-specific laws never applied to (those the Savior called) born eunuchs."

This really is, in a nutshell, what I want people to glean from my thesis on Transgender status, which I sincerely believe is a gift from God almighty!

Jerry Maneker said...

Thanks Don Charles. I think this comment is important enough to place it as an UPDATE to my post, which is what I have done. Best wishes, Jerry.