The following is a beautiful rendition of "The Battle Hymn of the Republic," sung by elementary and high school students. What is of particular interest to me is the marrying of Christianity with Americanism; the Bible with war; the Prince of Peace with militarism; God with patriotism.
Homophobia among professing Christians is largely born and justified by these "marriages," this enmeshment, of the sacred and the profane, whereby the "macho warrior" is seen as a symbol representing the Prince of Peace, and is considered a role model for all who would follow Jesus.
And the stereotype of the gay man being effeminate and weak is clearly antithetical to the "macho warrior" role that has become fused with Christianity itself in the eyes of all too many people, many, if not most, of them being professing Christians themselves.
Turn on your speakers and link here. It will take about 20 seconds for the video to begin.
I’ve had this beautifully done presentation of the Battle Hymn of the Republic sent to me before but only this time have I watched and listened to the very end. My first reaction is that this is one of the most blasphemous creations that I’ve ever seen. It is attractive and that makes it doubly so. It plays to false patriotism, false religion and indeed makes the two synonymous.
The theme of the hymn is militarism in the name of patriotism and religion in the name of both patriotism and religion synonymous with Jesus and the life of Jesus. Another blasphemy! However, for those of us who watch the culture and grow in the understanding of Jesus and discipleship, we know and understand that what passes for Christianity today is little more than paganism dressed up to look like Christianity.
We live in the most powerful empire that the world has ever seen. We use all of the devices, immoral and destructive, to enforce out will on the people of the world just as did Caesar Augustus at Jesus’s birth; just as every empire the world has ever seen. To equate discipleship to Jesus with support for a pagan empire is no more acceptable to a person trying to follow Jesus today than it was in the days of Jesus himself when the empire of the day executed him for treason.
Unfortunately our culture is so militarized that the vast majority of citizens and those who call themselves Christian no longer see the chasm between true discipleship and allegiance to a pagan empire which is what America has become. To even suggest that America is not especially blessed by God but prospers at the expense of the rest of the peoples of the earth is anathema. To even suggest that America is not God’s special nation or under God’s special protection flies in the face of the toxic American mythology that was developed by the first Christians who came to these shores and immediately proclaimed that they were the new Israel coming to the Promised Land. The toxicity of this delusion was immediately implemented by the systematic extermination of ten to 15 million native inhabitants – considered to be the Jebusites and the Canaanites in feathers and beads who needed to make way for the white chosen people.
The betrayal of the faith of Jesus is nearly complete in American Christianity. This country is nearly completely pagan and doesn’t even have a clue.
Beautifully and eloquently put, Leland.
"However, for those of us who watch the culture and grow in the understanding of Jesus and discipleship, we know and understand that what passes for Christianity today is little more than paganism dressed up to look like Christianity."
Just found this blog today. Fight the good fight, brother! The more of us who speak up, the better.
Thanks so much, Spirit and Flesh. I very much like your blog and I'm including it in my Links section.
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