Saturday, May 26, 2012


An excerpt from a post is entitled,  "Gay Students Organize At Evangelical College - From Inside The Closet" reads as follows: 

"'We want to bring to light the presence of the LGBTQ community at Biola [University]. Despite what some may assume, there are Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transgender, and Queers at Biola. We are Biola's students, alumni, employees, and fellow followers of Christ. We want to be treated with equality and respected as another facet of Biola's diversity,' they said in a statement released on May 9, the same day President Obama endorsed marriage equality.

"Unfortunately for the group's members, though, they have to remain in the closet."

[For the full article, see here.]

One has to have a significant degree of self-loathing to attend any church, school, or other institution that doesn't accept him/her for who he/she is; in any way demeans his or her affectional/sexual orientation! 

Why would anyone with any sense of dignity or integrity attend such an institution?  The fact is that no LGBT person with any sense of dignity or integrity would attend such an institution!

Perhaps that's why they feel compelled to include the disgusting word, "queer" as one of the designations of their group!  Even while attending a "Christian" college, they still think that God makes "queer" (abnormal) people. 

Even in their desire to be politically correct they are pathetic, and are unwitting traitors to the LGBT Civil Rights movement, as are all those who use homophobic slurs as self-identifiers, foolishly thinking that they are empowering themselves, or "reclaiming" these hateful terms, by so doing!  It is important to always remember that the last word a Gay person hears when he/she is being bashed into unconsciousness or killed is "queer!"

Moreover, they seek to be "activists" from within the closet, a stance and a concept that would take a book to discuss! 

Moreover, these self-styled activists emanate self-loathing for even being at that school; to seek dialogue with the administration when they won't even reveal themselves is pathetic on its face.  And by their attending such a school is akin to being a Black person who joins the KKK and tries to pass him/herself off as White.

By attending and giving money to Biola, and other homophobic institutions, these students are merely giving credibility to these homophobic institutions; empowering them to up the ante in their homophobia by their pathetic refusal to directly confront the homophobic administrators on an equal footing.

Perhaps, not so ironically, it turns out that the most homophobic people in this scenario are the LGBT students and the other "fellow followers of Christ" who are ashamed of who they are and are continuing to support Biola by their presence and by their money!
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When Gay people tithe money to anti-Gay churches and pay tuition to anti-Gay schools, they are like masochists paying dominatrixes to humiliate and abuse them! Why do they like it so rough, Jerry?

Jerry Maneker said...

They like it so rough, Don Charles, because of deep seated self-loathing. And, tragically, many LGBT people have bought into the lie that they are abnormal, not recognizing that homophobic pastors are liars and/or haters, and that God doesn't make mistakes. Best wishes, Jerry.