Thursday, August 7, 2008


This article shows Archbishop Rowan Williams to be a typical "liberal."

He does believe that the spiritual legitimacy of same-sex faithful relationships is akin to heterosexual marriage, but will not have his rhetoric and beliefs prevail when the rubber hits the road! He rolls over for the bullies in the Anglican communion, seeks to accommodate to those who use Godless reasoning to exclude Gay men and women from ordination to the pastoral ministry,as well as many of whom also seek to deprive women of the right to ordination as Bishops within the Anglican communion.

"The newspaper [The Times of London] reported that Williams outlined his views on the controversial subject in letters written between 2000 and 2001 to Deborah Pitt, a psychiatrist and evangelical Christian who asked for his opinion.

'''I concluded that an active sexual relationship between two people of the same sex might therefore reflect the love of God in a way comparable to marriage, if and only if it had about it the same character of absolute covenanted faithfulness,' the newspaper quoted Williams as writing."

We can only imagine the many stresses placed upon him at this crucial time regarding this hot button issue for Anglicans, and most other denominations within the institutional Church. However, as I wrote previously, to sacrifice "justice" for the sake of "unity" will guarantee the lack of both! One can't accommodate to those who advocate injustice to any of God's children, regardless of what appears to be at stake!

Better any denomination fracture or splinter or be obliterated than to seek to accommodate to the seeming earthly realities that such a fracture or splintering would seem to produce.

It may not have occurred to Williams and many other denominational leaders, or to many other clergy for that matter, that God may be using such a time as this to separate the wolves from the sheep; separate the wheat from the weeds; to hone His Church to be what He wants it to be; He is currently using His LGBT children as vehicles and catalysts to help achieve those goals.

I really believe that this is precisely what God is doing!
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